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Kedit/Kexx oversigt

Kedit/Kexx oversigt


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Invoking KEDIT

KEDIT [fileid ...] [(options [)] [extra]]
KEDIT DIR [filespec ...] [(options [)] [extra]]

(Note: the actual name of the KEDIT executable file is probably KEDITW32.EXE)

Initialization Options

COLumn m : Cursor to column m in file area
DEFPROFile fileid : Specify alternate to WINPROF.KEX profile
FRAMEsize MINimized|MAXimized|NORMal|RECALL : Startup window state
INSTANCE SINGLE|MULTIPLE :  How many instances of KEDIT if invoked again
LINE n : Make line n the current line
LOCK : Lock file during editing
MACROPath ON|OFF|envvar|dirlist : Where should KEDIT look for macros
NEW : Edit new file even if it already exists
NODEFEXT : No default extension; act as if DEFEXT OFF in effect
NOFILEMENU : Don't add file to recently-edited list
NOINI : Don't process KEDITW.INI; use all built-in defaults
NOLOCK : Don't lock file (override LOCKING ON)
NOMsg : Sets MSGMODE OFF for file being added to ring
NOPROFile : Don't process WINPROF.KEX
PATH ON|OFF|envvar|dirlist : Where should KEDIT look for files
PROFile fileid : Specify alternate to WINPROF.KEX profile for just this file
UNTITLED : Edit a new, untitled file (UNTITLED.n)
Width n : Longest line that KEDITW handles (512 to 32000); see SET INITIALWIDTH


/str[/]            Special case of LOCATE when delimiter is slash
*                  LOCATE * (go to EOF line)
-*                 LOCATE -* (go to TOF line)
&cmd               Execute cmd, then redisplay it (so just Enter to repeat)
?                  Display last command (F6); ?? for 2 cmds ago, etc.
?+                 Like ? but cycle forward
=                  Re-execute previous command (F9); == to do twice, etc.
=cmd               Execute cmd, then execute previous command
Add [n]            Add n lines below current line; default=1 (F2)
ALERT parms        Display simple dialog box; see also DIALOG
ALL [t]            Display all lines matching target; omit t to restore
ALter c1 c2 [t [n [m]]] : Change one character to another; see CHANGE syntax
ANSITOOEM [t]      Convert text from ANSI to OEM character set
BAckward [n|*|HALF|m Lines] : Scroll up (PgUp) n screens; default=1
Bottom             Make last file line the current line (Ctrl+End)
CANCEL             Like QUIT for all files in ring
CAppend [txt]      Append txt to end of focus line
CDelete [ct]       Delete columns from foccol thru ct; default ct=1
CEnter [t]         Center text in target area between current MARGINs
CFirst             Set focus column to left ZONE column
Change /s1/s2/ [t [n [m]]] : Change string1 to string2
CHDir [d:]path     Change current [drive and] directory
CHDRive d[:]       Change current drive
CInsert txt        Insert text into focus line starting at focus column
CLast              Set focus column to right ZONE column
CLIPboard parms    Copy/cut/paste/clear clipboard
CLocate ct         Locate column target; moves focus column
CMATCH [OUTER|INNER] : Find ({[< that matches character in focus column
CMSG [txt]         Place text on command line; default=clear command line
COMMAND cmd        Execute command without checking for synonym/macro
COMPress [t]       Compress blanks, replacing with tab characters
COpy t1 t2         Copy lines specified by target1 to follow target2
COpy BLOCK         Copy text from marked block (Alt+C and Alt+K)
COUnt /str/ [t]    Count number of times string occurs in target area
COVerlay txt       Overlay text in focline at foccol; blanks do not replace
CReplace txt       Replace text in focline at foccol
CURsor parms       Move cursor
DEBUG [/tracesetting] macro [arg] : Run macro in debug mode
DEBUG START macro  Run in-memory macro (eg, Alt+A) in debug mode from now on
DEBUG STOP macro   Cancel effect of DEBUG START
DEFine macro       Query definition of named in-memory macro
DEFine macro def   Define named macro and assign specified definition
DEFine fid         Load macro definition(s) from specified .KML or .KEX file
DELete [t]         Delete target area; default=1
DIALOG parms       Display simple dialog box
DIR [filespec ...] Open DIR.DIR file listing files
DIRAppend ["]      Append to DIR.DIR
DIRSORT [Date|Extension|Name|Path|Size ...] : Re-sort DIR.DIR file
DMSG [text]        Display text in debugging window (when DEBUGGING ON)
DOS [cmd]          Open DOS window [and run command]; see also WINEXEC
DOSNowait [cmd]    ", avoid "Press any key to continue"
DOSQuiet [cmd]     ", minimized DOS window
Down [n|*]         Advance focus line; default=1; same as NEXT
DUPlicat [n [t]]   Make n copies of lines from focus line thru target; def=1 1
EDITV parms        Manipulate global/file edit values
EMSG [txt]         Display error message; beep if BEEP ON
ERASE fid          Like DOS ERASE command, but no wildcards allowed
EXPand [t]         Expand tabs ('09'x) to blanks in target area
EXTEND cmd         Extend selection (eg, EXTEND SOS CRIGHT CRIGHT)
EXTract /operand/  Extract internal KEDIT info /op1/op2/...
FFile [fid]        Unconditional FILE and quit
FILE [fid]         Save file and quit
FILL [char]        Fill box block with specified character (default=blank)
FILLbox [char]     Same as FILL
Find txt           Search forward for line starting w/ text (blank=any, _=blank)
FINDUp txt         Same as FIND but searches upward
FUP txt            Same as FINDUP
FLOW [t]           Wordwrap text in all paragraphs in target area
FOward [n|*|HALF]  Scroll down n windows; default=1 (PgDn)
FOward [m Lines]   Scroll down m lines
GET                Insert lines from prior PUT command below focus line
GET fid [f [n]]    Insert lines from file, from line f, for n lines
Help [topic]       Display help file (default=table of contents)
HEXType            Display focus line characters in both decimal and hex
HIT macro ...      Add in-memory macros to hit queue (keyb input next needed)
IMMediate macdef   Immediately execute specified macro definition
INIUTIL parms      Manage KEDITW.INI
Input              Enter input mode (see SET INPUTMODE)
Input txt          Insert line of text into file below focus line
Join               Join line below focus line to focus line at focus column
Join ALigned       Join, ignoring matching leading spaces
Kedit              Add file(s) to ring; see Invoking KEDIT
KHELP [topic]      Same as HELP
LEft [n|HALF]      Scroll view of columns to left; default=1; 0 to restore
LEFTAdjust [t]     Left-adjust text in target area: 1st non-blank to left margin
LESS [TAG] t       Remove matching lines from ALL display, or un-TAG lines
Locate t [cmd]     Locate target [then do optional command]
LOCK               Lock current file (open disk copy and keep open)
LOWercas [t]       Change uppercase letters to lowercase; default=1
LPrefix txt        Place text into prefix area of focus line, then SOS DOPREFIX
MACRO name [arg]   Execute macro (not command) with optional argument
MACROS [ALL]       Add MACROS.KML to ring, showing all in-memory macro defs
MACROS CHANGED     Like MACROS, showing all non-default in-memory macro defs
MACROS m1 [m2...]  Like MACROS, showing specified in-memory macro definitions
MARK parms         Mark boundaries of a line, box, or stream block
MErge t1 t2 [c]    Merge two sets of lines: overlay 2nd on 1st starting at col
MODify setoption   Display SET option's current value on cmdline (so can edit)
MODify MACRO name  Display in-memory macro's definition on cmdline (so can edit)
MORE [TAG] t       Add matching lines to ALL display, or TAG more lines
MOve t1 t2         Move text from target area 1 (line block only) to follow t2
MOve BLOCK         Move from marked block (other file?) to follow current focus
MSG [txt]          Display message on the message line (like kexx SAY)
Next [n|*]         Move focus line down n lines; default n=1; same as DOWN
NFind txt          Search forward for line not start w/ txt (blank=any, _=blank)
NFINDUp txt        Search backward for line not starting with text
NFUp txt           Alternate name for NFINDUP
NOMSG cmd          Execute command with MSGMODE OFF in effect
OEMTOANSI [t]      Translate text in target area from OEM to ANSI character set
Overlay txt        Replace chars in focline with non-blank chars in text
OVERLAYBox         Replace chars starting at focline/foccol with chars in block
POPUP parms        Display pop-up menu
PREServe           Save most SET options (until RESTORE)
PRINT parms        Send data to printer
PURge m1 [m2 ...]  Purge in-memory macros from memory (undo DEFINE)
PUT [t [fid]]      Put text in target area into temp or specified file; see GET
PUT LINE fid [txt] Append specified line of text into file
PUTD [t [fid]]     Like PUT but also deletes from file being edited
Query option       Query option setting
QUIT               Quit file being edited; prompt if unsaved changes (F3)
QQuit              Unprotected (quick) quit; no prompt
READV parms        Get text or keystroke from user
RECover [n|*]      Recover n (<=25) lines deleted or changed (Alt+R)
REDO               REDO previous UNDO commands (Alt+Bksp, Ctrl+Y)
REFRESH            Update display while macro is running
REName fid1 fid2   Like DOS RENAME command, but no wildcards allowed
REPEat [t]         Advance focline & do last cmd again [for each line thru targ]
Replace [txt]      Replace focus line with specified text
RESet option       Reset various aspects of KEDIT's status
RESTore            Restore all KEDIT settings saved by PRESERVE
RGTLEFT [n]        Toggle columns viewed n cols right/left
RIght [n|HALF]     Scroll view of columns to right; default=1; 0 to restore
RIGHTAdjust [t]    Right-justify text in target area to right MARGIN column
SAVE [fid]         Save file being edited [into specified fileid]
SSAVE [fid]        Save file being edited; no prompt if overwrite
SCHange /s1/s2/ [t [n [m]]] : Selectively change string1 to string2
Set option value   Change various KEDIT settings
SHift Left|Right [c [t]] : Shift text left/right c columns in target area
SHOWDLG option     Display and process a KEDIT built-in dialog box
SORT t A|D] c1 c2|*] ... : Sort target area, asc/descending, column range
SOS option ...     Screen operation simulation for macros
SPlit [ALigned]    Split focus line at focus column [duplicate leading spaces]
SPLTJOIN           Split line or join lines depending on cursor position (PF11)
STATus             Display SET settings (Options/Status)
SYNEX cmd          Execute command from macro with synonym processing
TAG [t]            Highlight all lines that match target; no operand to clear
TEXT txt           Simulate typing of text from a macro
TFind [t]          Like LOCATE, but string target must begin in left zone column
TOP                Make top-of-file line the focus line (Ctrl+Home)
UNDO               Undo one level of changes (Ctrl+Z)
UNLOCK             Unlock disk copy of current file
Up [n|*]           Move focus line up n lines; default=1
UPPercas [t]       Change lowercase letters to uppercase in target area; def=1
WINdow parms       Size/position KEDIT frame/document windows
WINEXEC parms      Run external Windows program
WINHELP fid [top]  Invoke Windows Help program; optional topic
WMSG cmd           Do command; if error, display message in Windows message box
Xedit              Same as KEDIT

ALERT /prompt/ [options] DIALOG /prompt/ [options] /prompt/ Up to 10 lines; word wrapped and/or split at LFs ('0A'x) EDITfield [/initialcontents/] TITLE /title/ OK|OKCANCEL|YESNO|YESNOCANCEL Default: OK but if EDITFIELD present, default (and only valid choice) is OKCANCEL DEFButton n 1 means leftmost button ICONExclamation|ICONInformation|ICONQuestion|ICONStop ALERT default: ICONSTOP DIALOG default: ICONQUESTION if YESNO or YESNOCANCEL, else no icon FIXEDfont PASSWORD ALERT only: Speaker beeps (unless BEEP OFF in effect) alert.1/dialog.1 set to contents of edit field alert.2/dialog.2 set to name of button selected (upper-case)
CLIPBOARD ... APPEND COPY Append current selection to clipboard APPEND CUT Cut current selection, appending to clipboard APPEND PUT txt Append specified text to clipboard CLEAR Empty the clipboard COPY Copy current selection to clipboard CUT Cut current selection to clipboard PASTE Paste from clipboard to current selection PUT txt Put specified text into clipboard
CURSOR ... CMdline [c] Place cursor on command line at column c; default=1 Column Move cursor to column pointer on focus line [Escreen] l [c] Place cursor at line/column on window; line 0 is command line; line 1 first visible line of file [Escreen] UDLR Move cursor one row/col, possibly causing scrolling Home Toggle cursor from cmd line to last file area posn (PF12) File l [c] Place cursor at line/column in file; default c=1 REVERT Return cursor and undo scrolling (rarely used) Screen l [c] Place cursor at line/column on window Screen UDLR Move cursor one row/col, possibly causing wrapping UDLR: subtitute UP|DOWN|LEFT|RIGHT
EDITV ... Manipulate global edit values across KEDIT session: GET var1 [var2 ...] Retrieve values into KEX vars LIST [var1 ...] List values; default=all non-null PUT var1 [var2 ...] Set values from KEX vars SET var1 val [var2 val ...] Set values SETL var val Set value (can contain blanks) Manipulate file edit values (local to each file in ring): GETF var1 [var2 ...] Retrieve values into KEX vars LISTF [var1 ...] List values; default=all non-null PUTF var1 [var2 ...] Set values from KEX vars SETF var1 val [var2 val ...] Set values SETLF var val Set value (can contain blanks) SETFL var val Same as SETLF
INIUTIL ... SAVE|CLEAR STATE Frame window position/state, printer/screen fonts, etc. SAVE|CLEAR HISTory Recent commands, files, find strings, etc. SAVE|CLEAR SETTINGS Save (like Options, Save Settings) or clear all SAVE SET option Save individual SET option into KEDITW.INI CONVERT SETTINGS Add file INISET.KEX to ring with SET commands
MARK ... Line|Box|Stream [PERSISTent|SELection] [Anchor|Word] [RESET] Mark one edge of Line|Box|Stream block (default=persistent, unanchored) PERSISTent (default) blocks remain marked until explicitly unmarked SELection (non-persistent) blocks are unmarked as soon as cursor is moved Anchor causes block to extend from focus line/col to fixed anchor position Unanchored blocks extend to most distant existing block boundary Persistent blocks unanchored by default; selections are always anchored Word causes blocks to be marked or extended on a per-word basis Valid only with stream blocks; also triggers Anchor behavior RESET causes new block to be marked (like after RESET BLOCK command) CMDline [SELection] Anchor|Word [RESET] Mark a command line selection SELection optional but has no effect (no such thing as persistent) Line [PERSISTent|SELection] [Anchor] Mark focus line as line block, or convert existing block to a line block and extend to focus line PERSISTent is the default Line [PERSISTent|SELection] ALL Mark entire file as a line block REANCHOR l [c] Extend block to line [and column, for box/stream] and anchor block there PERSISTent Change selection into persistent block
POPUP [MOUSE|TEXT|CENTER] /item1/[item2/...] MOUSE (default) position upper-left corner of menu at mouse pointer TEXT position upper-left corner of menu at text cursor CENTER position upper-left corner of menu at center of frame Begin item with ~ to grey out choice Use just - as item to insert separator line Use & in item to underline following character (for keyboard shortcut) Sets popup.1 to item selected (as specified), or empty if cancelled (Esc)
PRINT ... [t [n Print target area (new page after every n lines) LINE [txt] Print text followed by CR,LF STRING txt Print text (without CR,LF) FORMfeed Page eject CLOSE Explicitly close printer (see SET PRINTER NOCLOSE)
READV ... Cmdline [txt] Get line of input from the command line; optional: initialize with text readv.1 contains response EDITfield [txt] Get line of input from dialog box edit field (w/mem of recent responses) readv.1 contains response KEY [Ignoremouse|NOIgnoremouse] Get keystroke readv.1 contains key name (e.g., 'S-5' means Shift+5) readv.2 contains character value (e.g., '%') readv.3 contains scan code in decimal (e.g., 6) readv.4 contains shift status (e.g., 10000011)
RESET ... Block Unmark any marked block CMDSEL Unmark any marked command line selection FIELD Reset contents of cursor field Prefix Blank out prefix area THIGHlight Display highlighted target in its normal color UNDO Start new UNDO level while a macro is running Without argument: like RESET BLOCK and RESET PREFIX
WINDOW ... MINimize|MAXimize|RESTORE [DOCument|FRAME] Resize document window or KEDIT frame; default=DOC CASCADE Cascade document windows TILE [Horizontally|Vertically] Tile document windows; default=H CLOSE [DOCument|FRAME|FILE] Close document window, KEDIT frame, or current file; default=DOC NEWwindow Create new document window (additional view of current file) NEXTwindow|PREVwindow Make next/previous window become current document window ([Shift+]Ctrl+F6) ARRANGEicons Rearrange minimized document windows MENUmode [File|Edit|Actions|Options|Window|Help|DOCument|FRAME] Activate KEDIT menu bar
WINEXEC [WAIT|NOWAIT] [NORMal|MAXimize|MINimize] command [args] WAIT KEDIT inactive until command completes (default) NORMal Start program in normal window (default)

Prefix Commands

An or nA    Add n new lines below this line; default=1; same as I command
Cn or nC    Copy n lines; default=1; use F or P for destination; C* means rest
CC          Copy block of lines; use F or P for destination
Dn or nD    Delete n lines; default=1; D* means rest of file
DD          Delete block of lines
F           Follow: target for C and M commands
In or nI    Insert n new lines below this line; default=1; same as A command
Ln or nL    Lowercase n lines; default=1
LL          Lowercase block of lines
Mn or nM    Move n lines; default=1; use F or P for destination; M* means rest
MM          Move block of lines; use F or P for destination
P           Preceding: target for C and M commands
Sn or nS    Show: in shadow line, show first n lines excluded; S* means all
S-n         Show: in shadow line, show last n lines excluded
SCALE       Display scale line here (like SET SCALE ON n)
TABL        Display tab line here (like SET TABLINE ON n)
Un or nU    Uppercase n lines; default=1
UU          Uppercase block of lines
Xn or nX    Exclude n lines from display; default=1; X* means rest
XX          Exclude block of lines from display
"n  or n"   Duplicate this line n times; default=1
""n or n""  Duplicate block of lines n times; default=1
/           Make this line the current line
.name       Assign symbolic name to this line (like SET POINT)
<c  or c<   Shift left by c columns on this line; default=1
<<c or c<<  Shift left by c columns on block of lines; default=1
>c  or c>   Shift right by c columns on this line; default=1
>>c or c>>  Shift right by c columns on block of lines; default=1

SET Options

(The command word SET is optional except for the SET = and SET ALT commands.)

Set = txt : Put string in the = buffer
Set ALT n [p] : Change number of AUTOSAVE/SAVE alterations
ARBchar OFF|ON [c1 [c2]] : Enable/define group/single arbitrary chars [OFF $ ?]
ARRow ON|OFF : Display/hide ====> at beginning of command line
AUTOCOLOR .ext parser : Set syntax coloring parser for *.ext files
AUTOEXIT ON|OFF : Exit KEDIT when last file in ring is closed
AUTOINDENT ON|OFF : Indent cursor like line above when adding lines with F2
AUtosave OFF|n : Autosave every n alterations into =.AUS
AUTOSCroll n|HALF|OFF : Columns to scroll horizontally
BACKup OFF|TEMP|KEEP : Create =.BAK when file SAVEd or FILEd
BEEP OFF|ON : Beep when error messages are displayed
BOUNDMark parms : Controls vertical lines indicating important column locations
CASE Mixed|Upper [Respect|Ignore] [R|I] : Ignore/respect case in target strings
CLOCK OFF|ON : Display time-of-day clock on status line
CMDline On|OFF|Top|Bottom : Last line, off, first line, last line
COLMark OFF|c1 c2 ... : Draw vertical lines to left of specified columns
COLOR parms : Control display colors
COLORING ON|OFF AUTO|parser : Syntax coloring for current file
CURLine n|+n|-n|M|M+n|M-n : Where to place current line on screen (M=middle)
CURRBox ON|OFF ON|OFF : Box around current line when on cmdline, in filearea
CURSORSIze vovr vins hovr hins : Control size of text cursor
CURSORType Vertical|Horizontal|Interface : Control shape of text cursor
DEBUGGing ON|OFF height tracing : Control KEXX debugging window
DEFEXT ON|OFF : Default file extension: use same .ext as current fileid
DEFPROFile fid : Default profile file (default=WINPROF.KEX)
DEFSORT OFF | Date|Extension|Name|Path|Size ... : Default sort for DIR display
DIRFORMat fname fext year : Set width of DIR fields
DISPlay n1 [n2|*] : Display scope (see SET SELECT, SCOPE, SHADOW); default=0 0
DOCSIZing Standard|EXTENded [n] : Control size of non-maximized windows
DRAG parms : Control effect of dragging mouse
ECOLOR parms : Control emphasis colors (for syntax coloring)
EOFIN ALLOW|PREVENT : Handle end-of-file char (026 dec, 1A hex) during load, GET
EOFOUT EOL|EOLEOF|EOF|NONE : Set chars after last line for FILE, SAVE, PUT
EOLIN CRORLF|LF|CR|NONE : Set end-of-line treatment during load, GET
EOLOUT CRLF|LF|CR|NONE : Set end-of-line treatment during FILE, SAVE, PUT
FCASE ASIS|LOWER : Show file names as is or always in lower-case
FILEId d:path\name.ext : Change fileid of file being edited
FMode d[:] : Change drive of file being edited
FPath path : Change path of file being edited
FName name : Change name of file being edited
FExt ext : Change extension of file being edited
FType ext : Change extension of file being edited
FILEOPEN SINGLE|MULTIPLE : Allow multiple files in File Open dialog box
FORMAT parms : Control formatting during FLOW command
HEX ON|OFF : Allow hex/dec codes in strings and targets: LOCATE/x'FF'/
HEXDISPlay ON|OFF : Display info about cursor char on status line: 'e'=65/101
HIGHlight OFF|ALTered|TAGged|SELect n [m] : Highlight specified file lines
IDline ON|OFF : Display file id line at top of file area
IMPMACro ON|OFF : Implied macro: look for macro if command not recognized
INISAVE STATE|NOSTATE [HISTory|NOHISTory] : What should be saved in KEDITW.INI
INITIALDOCsize MAXimized|NORMal|RECALL : Control startup document window state
INITIALFRAMEsize MAXimized|NORMal|RECALL : Control startup KEDIT frame window
INITIALINSert ON|OFF : Start with insert mode (on) or overtype mode (off)
INITIALWidth n : Control WIDTH setting at startup (default=1024)
INPUTMode OFF|FUll|LIne : Control effect of INPUT command with no operands
INSERTmode ON|OFF|TOGGLE : Change insert (vs. overtype) mode
INSTANCE SINGLE|MULTIPLE : Allow one or more than one instance of KEDIT
INTERFACE CUA|CLASSIC : Use "common user access" (Windows) conventions, or text
INTERNATional CASE|NOCASE [SORT|NOSORT] : Handle international (accented) chars
KEYSTYLE parms : Special treatment of keys: Enter Home Delete Backspace Alt
LASTOP cmd text : Set contents of operand memory for specified command
LINEFLAG CHAnge|NOCHAnge NEW|NONEW TAG|NOTAG [t] : Change file line flag bits
LINENd ON|OFF [c] : Recognize/specify command line-end char (default=OFF #)
LOCKING ON|OFF : Lock files as added to ring (see LOCK, UNLOCK, SET SHARING)
LRecl n|* : Set logical record length (see SET RECFM) (default=*=WIDTH)
MACROPath ON|OFF|envvar|dirlist : Where to look for macros (default=PATH)
MARgins left right +|-]parindent] : Set margin columns (see FLOW, etc.)
MARKSTYLE line [box stream] : Up to 3 PERSISTent|SELection operands
MONitor WINDOWS|COLOR|MONO : Control coloring (default=WINDOWS)
MOUSEBEEP ON|OFF : Beep when improper mouse clicks
MSGLine ON n|+n|-n|M|M+n|M-n [p] [Overlay] : Place message line; up to p lines
MSGMode ON|OFF : Show messages? (when off, use QUERY/EXTRACT LASTMSG)
NEWLines SAMELine|BELOW|BELOWCurr : Where should new lines be inserted
NOVALUE ON|OFF : Like using SIGNAL ON NOVALUE in all KEXX macros
NUMber ON|OFF : Show file line numbers prefix area
OFPW ON|OFF : One-file-per-window mode (MDI/multiple document interface)
OPENFilter /txt/filter/ ... : File filters shown in File Open dialog box
PARSER lang fileid.KLD : Define language parser for syntax coloring
PATH ON|OFF|envvar|dirlist : Where to look for files when not in current dir
Point .name [OFF] : Define or delete name for focus line
PREfix ON|OFF|Nulls [Left|Right] : Enable prefix area; Nulls allows insert
PREfix Synonym new old : Create synonym for prefix command (see prefix commands)
PRINTPROFile fid : Set alternate profile for printing via Windows Explorer
QUICKFIND Respect|Ignore Word|NOWord Regexp|NORegexp str : Set QF toolbar item
RANge t1 t2 : Set line range; a bit like ALL for range of consecutive of lines
RECENTFiles n : How many at bottom of File menu (0 to 16)
RECFm Fixed|Varying : Record format when saving file (see SET LRECL)
REPROFile ON|OFF : Re-execute profile for each file added to ring
RESERved M[+n|-n] [color] text|OFF : Reserve a line on screen
RIGHTCTRL ON|OFF : Make right Ctrl key act like Enter key (on numeric keypad)
SCALe ON|OFF M[+n|-n] : Place/remove scale line (default=OFF M+1)
SCOPE Display|All : Act on lines within SET DISPLAY scope; or all
SCReen n [Horizontal|Vertical] : Split screen evenly into n logical screens
SCReen n Split : Get n horizontal windows, each split in half
SCROLLbar ON|OFF [Vertical|Horizontal|BOTH] : Control display of scroll bars
SELect [+|-]n [t] : Set/raise/lower selection level of lines
SHADow ON|OFF : Show shadow lines when excluded by ALL/SELECT/DISPLAY
STATUSLine ON|OFF : Display status line at bottom of frame window
STAY OFF|ON : OFF=go to EOF if target not found; ON=stay put
STReam ON|OFF : Search OFF=focline or ON=entire file for column targets
SYNonym ON|OFF : Controls whether KEDIT does synonym processing at all
SYNonym [LINEND c] syn [n] def : Assign synonym; c=linend char, n=minimum abbrev
TABLine ON|OFF M[+n|-n] : Place/remove tab ruler line
TABs [c1 [... cn [INCR n] : Set logical tabs stops
TABSIn ON|OFF|TABQUOTE [n] : Expand tabs when reading file (until first ' or ")
TABSOut ON|OFF [n] : Compress blanks to tabs when writing file
THIGHlight ON|OFF : Highlight strings found by LOCATE/CLOCATE/TFIND
TIMECHECK ON|OFF : Check for changed file timestamp before writing file
TOFEOF ON|OFF : Show top-of-file and end-of-file notice lines
TOOLBAR ON|OFF Top|Bottom|BOTH : Control display of toolbars
TOOLButton name visual [COND ccc] /help1/[help2/] : Define button on toolbar
TOOLSet [Top|Bottom|NOFiles] DEFAULT|USER|ADD|Delete toolbuttons : Which buttons
TRAILING ON|OFF|SINGLE|EMPTY : Control treatment of trailing blanks
TRANSLATEIn NONE|OEMTOANSI : Convert chars from OEM to ANSI when reading file
TRANSLATEOut NONE|ANSITOOEM : Convert chars from ANSI to OEM when writing file
TRunc n|* : Define truncation column
UNDOING ON|OFF [n [k]] : Control undo facility; n levels, k bytes per file
VARblank ON|OFF : Make target like /a b/ match text like "a     b"
Verify [Hex] s1 e1 Hex] s2 e2 ...] : Columns (start/end pairs) to display
WINMARgin ON|OFF [n] : Pixels on left edge of doc windows to mark line blocks
WORD NONBlank|ALPHAnum : What is a "word" (for SOS .WORD. and MARK STREAM WORD)
WORDWrap ON|OFF : Add new line if text entered beyond right margin
WRap ON|OFF : Wrap around past EOF when LOCATE/FIND/etc.
Zone c1 c2|* : Define columns to search for targets

A few suggested non-default settings for your WINPROF.KEX profile:

'SET BEEP ON'                   /* Beep on error                 */
'SET INITIALWIDTH 32000'        /* As wide as possible           */
'SET MSGLINE ON -1 10 OVERLAY'  /* Many lines for messages       */
'SET NUMBER ON'                 /* Number lines in prefix area   */
'SET PREFIX NULLS LEFT'         /* Prefix left fill with nulls   */
'SET SHADOW OFF'                /* Don't display shadow lines    */
'SET WRAP ON'                   /* Wrap from bot to top (LOCATE) */

QUERY and EXTRACT Operands

Most operands are related to the corresponding SET operand command
In all cases, variable operand.0 is set to number of variables returned

= : What's in the equal (=) buffer (last executed command or macro)
   equalsign.1 = String in the equal buffer
ALT : Number of alterations to file since last save
   alt.1 = Number of changes since last AUTOSAVE or SAVE
   alt.2 = Number of changes since last SAVE
ARBchar : Status of arbitrary character
   arbchar.1 = ON|OFF
   arbchar.2 = First arbitrary character (any group of zero or more chars)
   arbchar.3 = Second arbitrary character (any single char)
ARRow : Display/hide ====> at beginning of command line
   arrow.1 = ON|OFF
ATTRibutes : Deprecated; use COLOR instead
   attributes.0 = 30 (see manual)
AUTOCOLOR ext : Name of parser associated with extension
   autocolor.1 = Extension (with leading period)
   autocolor.2 = Name of associated parser, or NULL
AUTOCOLOR [*] : List of all extensions with associated parsers
   autocolor.i = ith extension and parser
AUTOEXIT : Exit KEDIT when last file in ring is closed
   autoexit.1 = ON|OFF
AUTOIndent : Indent cursor like line above when adding lines with F2
   autoindent.1 = ON|OFF
AUtosave : Is file being automatically saved; after how many alterations
   autosave.1 = OFF|n
AUTOSCroll : Columns to scroll horizontally
   autoscroll.1 = HALF|OFF|n
BACKup : Create =.BAK when file SAVEd or FILEd
   backup.1 = OFF|TEMP|KEEP
BEEP : Beep when error messages are displayed
   beep.1 = ON|OFF
BLOCK : Block currently defined
   block.2 = Line number of start of block
   block.3 = Column number of start of block
   block.4 = Line number of end of block
   block.5 = Column number of end of block
   block.6 = Fileid of file containing marked block
   block.8 = Contents of the currently marked one-line block
BOUNDMark : Vertical lines indicating important column locations
CASE : Treatment of upper/lower case letters
   case.1 = MIXED|UPPER     (for input)
   case.2 = RESPECT|IGNORE  (for LOCATE)
   case.3 = RESPECT|IGNORE  (for CHANGE)
CLICK : Mouse button last pressed
   click.1 = Number of the mouse button pressed
   click.2 = Line number of mouse pointer within document window
   click.3 = Column number of mouse pointer within document window
   click.4 = MARGIN|NOMARGIN
   click.5 = Line number within the file of cursor location (or -1)
   click.6 = Column number within the file of cursor location (or -1)
CLIPboard : Contents of Windows clipboard
   clipboard.2 = Width of the BOX block (or null) ,
   clipboard.3 = Size of clipboard text in characters
   clipboard.4 = Size of clipboard text in lines
   clipboard.5 = Contents of the clipboard (if length <= WIDTH)
CLOCK : Display time-of-day clock on status line
   clock.1 = ON|OFF
CMDline : Where is command line
   cmdline.1 = ON|OFF|TOP|BOTTOM
   cmdline.2 = Line number within window
   cmdline.3 = Contents of command line (mixed case)
COLMark : Draw vertical lines to left of specified columns
   colmark.1 = OFF or list of column numbers
COLOR field : Display color
   color.1 = Field name followed by field's color
COLOR [*] : All display colors
   color.i = Field name followed by field's color
COLORING : Syntax coloring for current file
   coloring.1 = ON|OFF
   coloring.2 = AUTO|parser
   coloring.3 = parser  (same as coloring.2 unless AUTO)
COLumn : Column number of the focus column
   column.1 = Column number of the focus column
CURLine : Information about the current line and focus line
   curline.1 = M[+|-]n | [-]n (position of current line; M=middle)
   curline.2 = Line number within window of current line
   curline.3 = Contents of focus line
   curline.4 = ON if focus line changed or inserted in session; else OFF
   curline.5 = NEW CHANGED or OLD CHANGED or OLD
   curline.6 = Selection level of focus line (more efficient than select.1)
CURRBox : Box around current line
   currbox.1 = ON|OFF (when cursor on command line)
   currbox.2 = ON|OFF (when cursor in file area)
CURSor : Where is the cursor; where was cursor when last SOS EXECUTE began
   cursor.1 = Line number of cursor in window
   cursor.2 = Column number of cursor in window
   cursor.3 = Line number of cursor in file (or -1)
   cursor.4 = Column line number of cursor in file (or -1)
   cursor.5 = Previous line number of cursor in window
   cursor.6 = Previous column number of cursor in window
   cursor.7 = Previous line number of cursor in file (or -1)
   cursor.8 = Previous column line number of cursor in file (or -1)
CURSORSIze : Size of text cursor (as % of width of characters in current font)
   cursorsize.1 = Width of vertical cursor in Overtype mode
   cursorsize.2 = Width of vertical cursor in Insert mode
   cursorsize.3 = Height of horizontal cursor in Overtype mode
   cursorsize.4 = Height of horizontal cursor in Insert mode
CURSORType : Shape of text cursor
DEBUGGing : KEXX debugging window
   debugging.1 = ON|OFF
   debugging.2 = Height of the debugging window in lines
   debugging.3 = Initial trace setting in effect for macros run with DEBUG
DEFEXT : Default file extension
   defext.1 = ON|OFF
DEFPROFile : Default profile file
   defprofile.1 = fileid
DEFSORT : Default sort for DIR display
   defsort.1 = OFF or some of: DATE EXTENSION NAME PATH SIZE
DIRectory [d:] : Current directory (of current drive unless d: specified)
   directory.1 = Current directory (upper case) e.g. "C:\MY DOCUMENTS"
   directory.2 = Current directory (mixed case) e.g. "C:\My Documents"
DIRFileid : Info about file displayed in focus line of current DIR file
   dirfileid.1 = Full fileid     d:\dir\sub\name.ext
   dirfileid.2 = Drive           d:
   dirfileid.3 = Directory       \dir\sub
   dirfileid.4 = File name       name
   dirfileid.5 = File extension  ext
DIRFORMat : Width of DIR fields
   dirformat.1 = Columns for file name
   dirformat.2 = Columns for file extension (or 0)
   dirformat.3 = Columns for year
DISPlay : Range of selection levels included in display
   display.1 = Minimum displayable selection level
   display.2 = Maximum displayable selection level
DOCSIZing : Size of non-maximized windows
   docsizing.1 = STANDARD|EXTENDED
   docsizing.2 = Column width for windows sized by EXTENDED rules
DRAG : Effect of dragging mouse
   drag.3 = ANCHOR|WORD
   drag.4 = RESET or null
ECOLOR c : Emphasis color (for syntax coloring)
   ecolor.1 = Letter or number specified, followed by corresponding color
ECOLOR [*] : Emphasis colors (for syntax coloring)
   ecolor.i = ith character/number, followed by corresponding color
EFILEId : Fileid that current file had when it was added to ring
   efileid.1 = Fileid in uppercase
   efileid.2 = Fileid in case according to FCASE ASIS|LOWER
EOF : Is focus line on or off the end-of-file (or end-of-range) line
   eof.1 = ON|OFF   [see also EOF()]
EOFIN : Handling of end-of-file char (026 dec, 1A hex) during load, GET
   eofin.1 = ALLOW|PREVENT
EOFOUT : Chars after last line for FILE, SAVE, PUT
   eofout.1 = EOL|EOLEOF|EOF|NONE
EOL : Is focus column at end-of-line column (1+zone.2)
   eol.1 = ON|OFF
EOLIN : Handling of end-of-line during load, GET
   eolin.1 = CR|CRORLF|LF|NONE
EOLOUT : End-of-line treatment during FILE, SAVE, PUT
   eolout.1 = CR|CRLF|LF|NONE
FCASE : Showing file names as is or always in lower-case
   fcase.1 = ASIS|LOWER
FEXT : Extension of current fileid
   fext.1 = Extension in uppercase
   fext.2 = Extension in case according to FCASE ASIS|LOWER
FIELD : Cursor field info
   field.1 = Contents of cursor field
   field.2 = Character at cursor location
   field.3 = Location of cursor within data of current field
FIELDWORD : Cursor field word info
   fieldword.1 = Field word (see help)
   fieldword.2 = Field word (group of non-blank characters)
FILEId : Fileid of current file
   fileid.1 = Fileid in uppercase
   fileid.2 = Fileid in case according to FCASE ASIS|LOWER
FILEOPEN : Can open one or multiple files from File/Open dialog box
   fileopen.1 = SINGLE|MULTIPLE
FILESEARCH fileid : Where would KEDIT find specified file?
   filesearch.1 = DISK|RING|NEW|ERROR
   filesearch.2 = Fully qualified fileid (case according to FCASE)
FILESTATUS : Status of current file
   filestatus.1 = DENYWRITE|DENYREADWRITE|NONE  (lock mode)
   filestatus.2 = READONLY|READWRITE  (type of access KEDIT has)
   filestatus.3 = CR|LF|CRLF|NONE  (EOL sequence found at end of 1st line)
FLscreen : File lines visible in window
   flscreen.1 = line number of first line of file displayed in window
   flscreen.2 = line number of last line of file displayed in window
FMode : Drive specifier of current file
   fmode.1 = Drive in uppercase (eg, 'C:'), or null if UNC name
   fmode.2 = Drive in case according to FCASE ASIS|LOWER
FName : Name of current file
   fname.1 = Name in uppercase (eg, 'FOO'), or null if UNC name
   fname.2 = Name in case according to FCASE ASIS|LOWER
FOCUSWORD : Word on focus line nearest cursor
   focusword.1 = Focus word (see help)
   focusword.2 = Focus word (group of non-blank characters)
FORMAT : Formatting during FLOW command
   format.2 = BLANK|EXTENDED
   format.3 = DOUBLE|SINGLE
FPath : Directory path of current file
   fpath.1 = Directory path in uppercase (eg, '\DIR\SUBDIR')
   fpath.2 = Directory path in case according to FCASE ASIS|LOWER
FType : Extension of current fileid (same as FEXT)
   ftype.1 = Extension in uppercase
   ftype.2 = Extension in case according to FCASE ASIS|LOWER
HEX : Allow hexadecimal in strings and targets (LOCATE/x'FF'/)
   hex.1 = ON|OFF
HEXDISPlay : Show cursor character ('e'=65/101) on status line
   hexdisplay.1 = ON|OFF
HIGHlight : Highlight specified file lines
   highlight.2 = If SELECT, lowest selection level highlighted
   highlight.3 = If SELECT, highest selection level highlighted
IDline : Display file id line at top of file area
   idline.1 = ON|OFF
IMPMACro : Implied macro: look for macro if command not recognized
   impmacro.1 = ON|OFF
INISAVE : What should be saved in KEDITW.INI
   inisave.1 = STATE|NOSTATE
   inisave.2 = HISTORY|NOHISTORY
INITIALDIR : Control startup dir
   initialdir.1 = PRESERVE|RECALL (when no initial fileid)
   initialdir.2 = PRESERVE|RECALL|FIRSTFILE (with fileid)
INITIALDOCsize : Control startup document window state
   initialdocsize.1 = MAXIMIZED|NORMAL|RECALL
INITIALFRAMEsize : Control startup KEDIT frame window
   initialframesize.1 = MAXIMIZED|NORMAL|RECALL
INITIALINSert : Start with insert mode (on) or overtype mode (off)
   initialinsert.1 = ON|OFF
INITIALWidth : WIDTH setting at startup (default=1024)
   initialwidth.1 = n  (512 to 32000)
INPUTMode : Effect of INPUT command with no operands
   inputmode.1 = OFF|FULL|LINE
INSERTmode : Insert mode (on) or overtype mode (off)
   insertmode.1 = ON|OFF
INSTANCE : Allow one or more than one instance of KEDIT
   instance.1 = SINGLE|MULTIPLE
INTERFACE : Use "common user access" (Windows) conventions, or text
   interface.1 = CUE|CLASSIC
INTERNATional : Handle international (accented) chars
   international.1 = CASE|NOCASE
   international.2 = SORT|NOSORT
KEYSTYLE : Special treatment of keys (when INTERFACE CUA in effect)
   keystyle.1 = STANDARD|ADJUSTED  (Enter)
   keystyle.2 = STANDARD|ADJUSTED  (Home)
   keystyle.3 = STANDARD|ADJUSTED  (Delete)
   keystyle.4 = STANDARD|ADJUSTED  (Backspace)
   keystyle.5 = STANDARD|ADJUSTED  (Alt)
LASTKEY [n] : Info on last (or nth most recently (1-8)) read key
   lastkey.1 = Key name
   lastkey.2 = Character (or null)
   lastkey.3 = Scan code
   lastkey.4 = Shift status (e.g., 10000011)
LASTmsg : Last message generated for current window
   lastmsg.1 = Text of last message (up to 160 chars)
LASTOP cmd : Operand used when command last issued from command line
      (cmd = ALter|Change|CLocate|COUnt|Find|Locate|SCHange|TFind)
   lastop.1 = Name of command and its last operand (mixed case)
LASTOP [*] : Operands used when commands last issued from command line
   lastop.1 = ALTER   and its last operand (mixed case)
   lastop.2 = CHANGE  and its last operand (mixed case)
   lastop.3 = CLOCATE and its last operand (mixed case)
   lastop.4 = COUNT   and its last operand (mixed case)
   lastop.5 = FIND    and its last operand (mixed case)
   lastop.6 = LOCATE  and its last operand (mixed case)
   lastop.7 = SCHANGE and its last operand (mixed case)
   lastop.8 = TFIND   and its last operand (mixed case)
LASTRC : Return code from last command issued from command line
   lastrc.1 = Return code  [same as special variable rc]
LENgth : Length of focus line
   length.1 = length, excluding trailing blanks; 0 if TOF or EOF
LIne : Line number in file of focus line
   line.1 = line number in file; 0 if at TOF; 1+lines if at EOF
LINEFLAG : Flags associated with focus line
   lineflag.1 = NEW|NONEW
   lineflag.2 = CHANGE|NOCHANGE
   lineflag.3 = TAG|NOTAG
LINENd : Line end character status
   linend.1 = ON|OFF  (allow multiple commands on command line)
   linend.2 = linend character
LOCKING : Lock files as added to ring
   locking.1 = ON|OFF
LRecl : Logical record length of file being edited
   lrecl.1 = lrecl
LScreen : Logical screen size and location
   lscreen.1 = number of lines of current document window
   lscreen.2 = number of columns of current document window
   lscreen.3 = serial number of current document window (UNIQUEID.3)
   lscreen.4 = serial number of current document window (UNIQUEID.3)
MACRO name : Definition of in-memory macro
   (QUERY works, but EXTRACT not currently supported)
MACROPath : Where to look for macros
   macropath.1 = ON|OFF|envvar|dirlist
MACROSEARCH fileid [defaultextension] : Where would KEDIT find specified macro?
   macrosearch.1 = Fully qualified fileid (case according to FCASE)
MARgins : Margin columns
   margins.1 = Left margin column number
   margins.2 = Right margin column number
   margins.3 = Paragraph indent value
MARKSTYLE : Blocks marked with mouse marked as persistent blocks or selections
   markstyle.1 = SELECTION|PERSISTENT (line blocks)
   markstyle.2 = SELECTION|PERSISTENT (box blocks)
   markstyle.3 = SELECTION|PERSISTENT (stream blocks)
MEMory : KEDIT's memory usage (K bytes)
   memory.1 = 0
   memory.2 = 0
   memory.3 = Unused ISA memory (Internal Storage Area)
   memory.4 = Total FSA memory (File Storage Area)
   memory.5 = 0
   memory.6 = 0
   memory.7 = Memory holding UNDO info (total for all files in ring)
MONitor : Coloring
   monitor.1 = WINDOWS|COLOR|MONO
MOUSEBEEP : Beep when improper mouse clicks
   mousebeep.1 = ON|OFF
MSGLine : Message line status and location
   msgline.1 = ON|OFF  (currently, always ON)
   msgline.2 = M[+|-]n | [-]n  (position; M=middle of screen)
   msgline.3 = maximum number of lines that msgline can expand to
   msgline.4 = OVERLAY|null
MSGMode : Message mode status
   msgmode.1 = ON|OFF
NBFile : Number of files currently being edited
   nbfile.1 = number of files in ring
   nbfile.2 = maximum number of files allowed in ring
NBScope : Number of lines in file within current scope
   nbscope.1 = number of lines within the current scope
   nbscope.2 = position of the focus line within the scope
NBWindow : Number of document windows that currently exist
   nbwindow.1 = Number of document windows
NEWLines : Where do new lines get inserted
NOVALUE : Like using SIGNAL ON NOVALUE in all KEXX macros
   novalue.1 = ON|OFF
NUMber : Number file lines in prefix area
   number.1 = ON|OFF
OFPW : One-file-per-window mode (MDI/multiple document interface)
   ofpw.1 = ON|OFF
OPENFilter : File filters shown in File Open dialog box
   openfilter.1 = /txt/filter/ ...
OPMODE : Mode in which KEDIT is running (see also version.1)
   opmode.1 = GUI                             (Windows)
            | REAL                            (DOS)
            | WINDOWS                         (DOS under Windows)
            | UNKNOWN
   And, if KEDIT for Windows:
   opmode.2 = WINDOWS
   opmode.3 = Windows version number (eg '3.10', or '4.00' for Windows 95)
   opmode.4 = Additional identifying text, or null
OPSYS : Operating system
   opsys.1 = Operating system name (eg 'DOS', 'Windows 95', 'Windows NT')
   opsys.2 = Version number of operating system
   opsys.3 = Additional identifying text, or null
PARSER [*] : All language parsers for syntax coloring
   parser.0 = Number of parsers defined
   parser.i = lang fileid.KLD
PARSER parser : Language parser for syntax coloring
   parser.1 = Parser name
   parser.2 = Fileid of .KLD file
PATH : Where to look for files when not in current directory
   path.1 = ON|OFF|envvar|dirlist
Point : Symbolic names assigned to the focus line
   point.0 = 1; or 0 if no names assigned
   point.1 = line number and names assigned to it
Point * : All lines with symbolic names defined
   point.i = line number and all names assigned to it
PREfix : State of prefix area
   prefix.1 = ON|OFF|NULLS
   prefix.2 = LEFT|RIGHT
PREfix Synonym : All prefix synonyms
   prefix.i = newname oldname
PRINTER : Printer options
   printer.1 = WINDOWS|LPT1:|LPT2:|LPT3:|COM1:|COM2:
   printer.2 = CLOSE|NOCLOSE
   printer.3 = FORM|NOFORM
   printer.4 = CONVERT|NOCONVERT
PRINTPROFile : Alternate profile for printing via Windows Explorer
   printprofile.1 = Fileid of printer profile macro
PRINTSIZE : Printer page size, based on current printer/font/margins
   printsize.1 = Lines per page
   printsize.2 = Columns per page
QUICKFIND : Quick Find toolbar search string
   quickfind.1 = RESPECT|IGNORE
   quickfind.2 = WORD|NOWORD
   quickfind.3 = REGEXP|NOREGEXP
   quickfind.4 = Search string
RANge : Line numbers of the top and bottom of the range
   range.1 = line number of the first line in range
   range.2 = line number of the last line in range (RANGE.1-1 if no lines)
RECENTFiles : How many files shown at bottom of File menu
   recentfiles.1 = n   (0 to 16)
RECFm : Record format of current file
   recfm.1 = FIXED|VARYING
REPROFile : Re-execute profile for each file added to ring?
   reprofile.1 = ON|OFF
RESERved : Line numbers of screen lines currently reserved
   reserved.0 = 1 (or 0 when no lines are reserved)
   reserved.1 = list of reserved line numbers
RIGHTCTRL : Make right Ctrl key act like Enter key (on numeric keypad)
   rightctrl.1 = ON|OFF
RING : Number of files you are editing and file identification of each
   ring.0 = number of files in ring
   ring.i = Fileid, current line, current column, size, alteration count
SCALe : State of scale display and position of scale line on screen
   scale.1 = ON|OFF
   scale.2 = M[+|-]n | [-]n  (position; M=middle of screen)
   scale.3 = line number within window  (only set if SCALE.1=ON)
SCOPE : Display scope (see also DISPLAY)
   scope.1 = ALL|DISPLAY
SCROLLbar : Display of scroll bars
   scrollbar.1 = ON|OFF
SELect : Selection level of current line and max level for file
   select.1 = selection level of focus line (curline.6 more efficient)
   select.2 = maximum selection level of all lines in current range
SHADow : Are shadow lines displayed
   shadow.1 = ON|OFF
SHARING : File sharing/locking
SIZe : Size of file being edited
   size.1 = number of lines in current file
STARTUP : How KEDIT was invoked
   startup.1 = Fileid of KEDIT module that is executing
   startup.2 = Command line arguments passed to KEDIT
   startup.3 = Value of KEDITW environment string
   startup.4 = Fileid of initial profile
STATUSLine : Displaying status line at bottom of frame window?
   statusline.1 = ON|OFF
   statusline.2 = BOTTOM
STAY : Stay put (as opposed to EOF) if target not found
   stay.1 = ON|OFF
STReam : Search entire file for column target (as opposed to just curline)
   stream.1 = ON|OFF
SYNonym : Is KEDIT doing synonym processing at all?
   synonym.1 = ON|OFF
SYNonym * : Definitions of all defined synonyms
   synonym.i = newname abbreviation definition
TABLine : Status of tab line
   tabline.1 = ON|OFF
   tabline.2 = M[+|-]n | [-]n  (position; M=middle of screen)
   tabline.3 = line number within window  (only set if TABLINE.1=ON)
TABS : Tab column numbers
   tabs.1 = Tab setting  (list or 'INCR n' or both)
   tabs.2 = List of tab column numbers
TABSIn : Expand tabs when reading file (until first ' or ")
   tabsin.1 = ON|OFF|TABQUOTE
   tabsin.2 = Tab increment
TABSOut : Compress blanks to tabs when writing file
   tabsout.1 = ON|OFF
   tabsout.2 = Tab increment
TARGet : Info about target that matched last LOCATE/CLOCATE/TFIND
   target.1 = Line number of start of target
   target.2 = Column number of start of target
   target.3 = Line number of end of target
   target.4 = Column number of end of target
   target.5 = Text of string target
THIGHlight : Highlight strings found by LOCATE/CLOCATE/TFIND
   thighlight.1 = ON|OFF
TIME : Current time and date
   time.1 = Date in country-dependent format
   time.2 = Time in hh:mm format
   time.3 = Date in mm-dd-yy format
   time.4 = Time in hh:mm:ss.hh format
   time.5 = Date in yyyy-mm-dd format
TIMECHECK : Check for changed file timestamp before writing file
   timecheck.1 = ON|OFF
TOF : Is focus line at top-of-file (or top-of-range) line?
   tof.1 = ON|OFF
TOFEOF : Are TOF and EOF pseudo-lines being displayed?
   tofeof.1 = ON|OFF
TOL : Is focus column at top-of-line (reached zone1-1)?
   tofeof.1 = ON|OFF
TOOLBAR : Display of toolbars
   toolbar.1 = ON|OFF
   toolbar.2 = TOP|BOTTOM|BOTH
TOOLButton name : Definition of toolbar button
   toolbutton.1 = Button name
   toolbutton.2 = Built-in or on-disk bitmap file, or delimited text
   toolbutton.3 = COND ccc (or null)
   toolbutton.4 = Delimited text of tooltip and status line help
TOOLButton [*] : Definitions of all toolbar buttons
   toolbutton.i = Name, bitmap/text, conditions, tip/status
TOOLSet [TOP|BOTTOM] : Contents of toolset (default=TOP)
   toolset.1 = TOP|BOTTOM
   toolset.2 = DEFAULT|USER
   toolset.3 = Contents of default or user-defined toolset
TRAILING : Treatment of trailing blanks
   trailing.1 = ON|OFF|SINGLE|EMPTY
TRANSLATEIn : Convert chars from OEM to ANSI when reading file
   translatein.1 = NONE|OEMTOANSI
TRANSLATEOut : Convert chars from ANSI to OEM when writing file
   translateout.1 = NONE|ANSITOOEM
TRunc : Truncation column number
   trunc.1 = truncation column number
UNDO : Undoing info for current file
   undo.1 = Levels of undoable changes
   undo.2 = Levels of redoable changes
   undo.3 = Memory holding undo info (K bytes)
UNDOING : Undoing facility info
   undoing.1 = ON|OFF
   undoing.2 = Maximum levels that KEDIT will try to keep in memory
   undoing.3 = Maximum memory that KEDIT will use to hold undo info (K)
UNIQueid : Unique serial number identifier associated with file, view, window
   uniqueid.1 = Serial number of current file
   uniqueid.2 = Serial number of current view
   uniqueid.3 = Serial number of current window
VARblank : Will target like /a b/ match text like "a     b"?
   varblank.1 = ON|OFF
Verify : Information about verification columns
   verify.1 = Column number pairs (possibly including H prefix)
VERShift : Relative position of screen over file (see LEFT and RIGHT)
   vershift.1 = [-]n
VERSION : KEDIT version info
   version.1 = KEDIT           (DOS or OS/2 text mode)
             | KEDIT/WINDOWS   (Windows)
   version.2 = Version number
   version.3 = Revision level and possible additional identifying text
   version.4 = Date of this version (MMM dd yyyy)
Width : Value of WIDTH setting (longest line)
   width.1 = n  (512 to 32000)
WINDIR : Fully-qualified names of Windows and Windows system directories
   windir.1 = e.g., 'C:\WINDOWS'
   windir.2 = e.g., 'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM'
WINMARgin : Pixels on left edge of document windows to mark line blocks
   winmargin.1 = ON|OFF
   winmargin.2 = n
WORD : What is a "word" (for SOS .WORD. and MARK STREAM WORD)
WORDWrap : Add new line if text entered beyond right margin?
   wordwrap.1 = ON|OFF
WRap : Will LOCATE wrap around from end of file
   wrap.1 = ON|OFF
Zone : Left and right zone column numbers
   zone.1 = Left zone column number
   zone.2 = Right zone column number

SOS Operands

ADDline       Add a blank line below the focus line
Alarm         Make speaker beep
BEEP          Same as ALARM
BLANKDown     Locate next blank line below focus line
BLANKUp       Locate next blank line above focus line
BLOCKEnd      \(from cmdline) Make curline last/first line of marked block
BLOCKStart    /(else) Move cursor to last/first line of marked block
BOTTOMEdge    Move cursor to bottom line of file area (or EOF line)
CDn           Move cursor one character down (see CURSOR ESCREEN)
CLeft         Move cursor one character left (see CURSOR ESCREEN)
CRight        Move cursor one character right (see CURSOR ESCREEN)
CUp           Move cursor one character up (see CURSOR ESCREEN)
CHECK         Display checksum of chars in cursor line
CURRent       Move cursor to current line
CURSORAdj     Shift cursor line text so left adjusted at cursor column
DELBAck       Move cursor one character left and delete char there
DELBEGin      Delete all chars to left of cursor, shift remaining text left
DELChar       Delete character at cursor position
DELEnd        Delete all characters from cursor position thru end of line
DELLine       Delete focus line
DELSEL        Delete just-marked block or selection
DELWord       Delete "word" at or to right of cursor
DOPREfix      Execute any pending prefix commands for current file
ENDChar       Move cursor to end of cursor line
ENDWord       Move cursor to last character of current (or next) "word"
ERRORBEEP     Beep speaker (if SET BEEP ON)
EXecute       Move cursor to command line, execute command line
FIRSTCHar     Move cursor to first non-blank character on cursor line
FIRSTCOl      MOve cursor to first column on cursor line
INSTAB        Insert blanks from cursor position to next tab position
LEFTEdge      Move cursor to leftmost column of file area or command line
LINEAdd       Add a line below focus line (same as SOS ADDLINE)
LINEDel       Delete the focus line (same as SOS DELLINE)
MAKECURR      Make cursor line the current line
MARGINL       Move cursor to left margin column of cursor line
MARGINR       Move cursor to right margin column of cursor line
MOUSEBEEP     Beep speaker (if SET MOUSEBEEP ON)
PARINDent     Move cursor to paragraph indent column of cursor line
PREfix        Move to first column of prefix area of cursor line
QCmnd         Move cursor to first column of command line, clear command line
QUICKFINDACT  Activate the Quick Find toolbar item
QUICKFINDB    Search backward for the currently displayed Quick Find string
QUICKFINDf    Search forward for the currently displayed Quick Find string
RESTORE       Restore cursor to position saved by SOS SAVE
RESTORECol    Restore cursor to column position saved by SOS SAVECOL
RESTORELine   Restore cursor to line position saved by SOS SAVELINE
RETRIEVEb     Cycle backward through command line history
RETRIEVEF     Cycle forward through command line history
RIGHTEdge     Move cursor to rightmost column of file area or command line
SAVE          Save cursor line and column position for SOS RESTORE
SAVECol       Save cursor column position for SOS RESTORE
SAVELine      Save cursor line position for SOS RESTORE
SETCOLPtr     Set column pointer to cursor column
SETLeftm      Set left margin column to cursor column
setrightm     No such operand; use: 'set margins' margins.1() column.1()
SETTAB        Add cursor column to list of tab columns
STARTWord     Move cursor to first character of current (or preceding) "word"
TABB          Move cursor backward (left) to nearest tab position
TABCmd        Move cursor to first column of command line
TABCMDB       Switch windows backward (previous), move cursor to command line
TABCMDF       Switch windows forward (next), move cursor to command line
TABf          Move cursor forward (right) to nearest tab position
TABFIELDB     Move cursor to first character of current (or previous) field
TABFIELDf     Move cursor to first character of next field
TABWORDB      Move cursor backward to first char of "word" to left of cursor
TABWORDf      Move cursor forward to first char of "word" to right of cursor
TOPEdge       Move cursor to topmost line of file area (or TOF line)


Absolute line number targets:
   :n            Absolute file line number
Relative line number targets:
   n             Relative displacement from focus line (down)
   +n            Relative displacement from focus line (down)
   -n            Relative displacement from focus line (up)
   *             End of file
   +*            End of file
   -*            Top of file
Named line targets:
   .name         Named line (see SET POINT and prefix command .)
String targets:
   //            Advance line pointer by one line
   /str[/]       Next line containing occurrence of string
   +/str[/]      Next line containing occurrence of string
   -/str[/]      Previous line containing occurrence of string
   ~/str[/]      Next line not containing occurrence of string
   +~/str[/]     Next line not containing occurrence of string
   -~/str[/]     Previous line not containing occurrence of string
   /s1/&/s2/     Next line containing occurrences of both strings
   /s1/|/s2/     Next line containing occurrence of either string
   -/x'cc'/      Previous line containing hex character (only if SET HEX ON)
   Word /str/    Next line containing word
   Prefix /str/  Next line starting with string on word boundary
   Suffix /str/  Next line ending with string on word boundary
   Regexp /str/  Next line containg string matching regular expression
Line class targets (may be prefixed with ~):
   BLAnk         Blank
   SELect n [m]  Selection level
   NEW           New
   CHAnged       Changed
   TAGged        Tagged
   ALTered       Altered
Group targets:
   ALL           All lines
   BLOCK         Currently marked block
   PARAgraph     All lines in focus paragraph

Column targets are similar, except:
   No named (.) columns
   + means right, - means left
   * means EOL, -* means TOL

SET operands affecting targets:

Precedence (highest to lowest):
   ~ & |

Regular Expressions

?    Wildcard character - matches any single character
^    Matches the beginning of a line
$    Matches the end of a line
(X)  Parenthetical expressions - groups expressions for other operations
X*   Minimal closure - matches shortest possible string of >= 0 occurrences of X
X@   Maximal closure - matches longest possible string of >= 0 occurrences of X
X+   Minimal plus - matches shortest possible string of >= 1 occurrences of X
X#   Maximal plus - matches longest possible string of >= 1 occurrences of X
X^n  Power function - matches exactly n occurrences of X
~X   Not function - succeeds only if X isn't matched
\c   Set cursor position/current column after Edit Find or CLOCATE
{X}  Tagged expression - when X is matched, value is saved for later reference
&n   Reference to value of nth tagged expression

\x   Escape sequence, for \ ( ) [ ] { } ? ~ ^ $ * @ # | : & +
\Xnn hex
\nnn octal
\b   Backspace
\f   Formfeed
\r   Carriage return
\n   Linefeed
\t   Tab

(X1|X2|...)  Alternation - matches X1 or, if X1 doesn't match, matches X2, etc.
[class]      Definition of a character class - matches any character in class
[~class]     Definition of a character unclass - matches characters not in class
:letter      Predefined expression

:a  [a-zA-Z0-9]  Alphanumeric character
:b  ([\t\x20]#)  White space (a group of blanks and tabs)
:c  [a-zA-Z]     Alphabetic character
:d  [0-9]        Digit
:z  ([0-9]#)     Integers (one or more digits)
:w  ([a-zA-Z]#)  String of alphabetic characters

:h  (((0x)|)[0-9a-fA-F]#)         Hexadecimal numbers
:i  ([a-zA-Z_\$][a-zA-Z0-9_\$]@)  C-language identifiers
:n  (([0-9]@.[0-9]#)|([0-9]#))    Numbers (possibly including a decimal point)
:q  (("[~"]@")|('[~']@'))         Quoted string (in 's or "s)

KEXX Operators

Operators are grouped by precedence shown below (highest to lowest).
Operators of equal precedence are evaluated from left to right.

\               Logical NOT (prefix)
+               Numeric (prefix); same as 0+num
-               Negate (prefix); same as 0-num

** Exponentiation (whole powers only)
* Multiply / Divide % Integer divide (divide and return integer part) // Remainder (divide and return remainder; result may be negative)
+ Add - Subtract
(abuttal) || Concatenate without blank (blank) Concatenate with blank
== Strictly equal (identical) \== Not strictly equal >> Strictly greater than << Strictly less than >>= \<< Strictly greater than or equal to (not less than) <<= \>> Strictly less than or equal to (not greater than) = Equal (numerically or when padded, etc.) \= >< <> Not equal (greater than or less than) > Greater than < Less than >= \< Greater than or equal to (not less than) <= \> Less than or equal to (not greater than)
| Inclusive OR (either, or both) && Exclusive OR (either, but not both)

KEXX Functions

bit = ABBREV(longstring,shortstring[,minlength]) : Abbreviation match
num = ABS(number) : Absolute value
str = ANSILOWER(string) : Like LOWER() but also handles accented letters
str = ANSITOOEM(string) : Convert ANSI to OEM character set
str = ANSIUPPER(string) : Like UPPER() but also handles accented letters
num = ARG() : Number of arguments
bit = ARG(n,E|O) : Nth argument E=exists or O=omitted
val = ARG(n) : Nth argument value
nul = BEEP() : Beep speaker
str = BITAND(string1[,string2[,pad) : Logical ANDing of bits
str = BITOR(string1[,string2[,pad]]) : Logical ORing of bits
str = BITXOR(string1[,string2[,pad]]) : Logical XORing of bits
hex = B2X(binary-string) : Binary to hexadecimal
str = CENTER(string,length[,pad]) : Center
str = CENTRE(string,length[,pad]) : Center for Brits
str = CHANGESTR(needle,haystack,newneedle) : Change all occurrences
str = CHARIN(fileid[,[start][,length]]) : Read chars from file
bit = CHAROUT(fileid,[string][,start]) : Write chars to file
bit = CHAROUT(fileid) : Close file
num = CHARS(fileid) : Chars remaining to be read from file
pos = COMPARE(string1,string2[,pad]) : Position of first mismatched char
str = CONDITION(I|C|D|S) : Information about currently trapped condition
str = COPIES(string,n) : N copies of string concatenated together
num = COUNTSTR(needle,haystack) : Number of occurrences
num = C2D(string) : Character to decimal
hex = C2X(string) : Character to hexadecimal
str = DATATYPE(string) : Returns NUM if valid number, else CHAR
bit = DATATYPE(string,A|B|L|M|N|S|U|W|X) : Test for specified datatype
         A=alphanumeric  AZaz09    B=binary   01       L=lowercase    az
         M=mixed case    AZaz      N=numeric  2.1e6    S=symbol       foo.1
         U=uppercase     AZ        W=whole    -2       X=hexadecimal  09AFaf
str = DATE(B|D|E|J|M|N|O|S|U|W) : Today in specified format (default=Normal)
         B=base      729637       D=days      249
         E=european  06/09/98     J=julian    98249
         M=month     September    N=normal    6 Sep 1998
         O=ordered   98/09/06     S=standard  19980906
         U=usa       09/06/98     W=weekday   Sunday
str = DATECONV(date,input,[output]) : Convert date format (see formats above)
str = DELIMIT(string1[,string2]) : Wrap delimiter ( /1/ or /1/2/ )
str = DELSTR(string,n[,length]) : Delete chars starting at position n
str = DELWORD(string,n[,length]) : Delete words starting at nth word
num = DIGITS() : Current NUMERIC DIGITS setting (default=9)
str = DOSDIR(filespec[,[output][,search]]) : Info about DOS file(s)
         output: N=name S=size D=date T=time A=attrs(R|H|S|D|A|-)  (default=all)
         search: D=directories S=system H=hidden                  (default=none)
str = DOSDIR(,[output][,search]) : Next matching file (or null)
str = DOSENV(envvar) : Value of DOS environment variable
str = D2C(whole-number) : Decimal to character
hex = D2X(whole-number) : Decimal to hexadecimal
str = ERRORTEXT(n) : Text of KEXX error message number n
str = FORMAT(number[,[bef][,[aft]]]) : Format number (digits bef/aft decimal)
num = FUZZ() : Current NUMERIC FUZZ setting (default=0)
str = INSERT(new,target[,[n][,[length][,pad]]]) : Insert new into target string
pos = LASTPOS(needle,haystack[,end]) : Rightmost position
str = LEFT(string,length[,pad]) : Leftmost characters from string
num = LENGTH(string) : Length of string
str = LINEIN(fileid[,[line][,count]]) : Read line from file
bit = LINEOUT(fileid,[string]) : Write line to file
bit = LINEOUT(fileid) : Close file
bit = LINES(fileid) : Any lines remaining to be read from file?
str = LONGNAME(fileid) : Windows 95/NT long file name of fileid
str = LOWER(string) : Lowercase
num = MAX(n1[,n2...n10]) : Maximum number
num = MIN(n1[,n2...n10]) : Minimum number
str = OEMTOANSI(string) : Convert OEM to ANSI character set
str = OVERLAY(new,target[,[n][,[length][,pad]]]) : Overlay new string on target
pos = POS(needle,haystack,[start]) : Leftmost position
int = RANDOM([max]) : Random number between 0 and max (default=999)
int = RANDOM([min][,[max][,seed]]) : Random number between min and max
str = REVERSE(string) : Reverse characters (abcd => dcba)
str = RIGHT(string,length[,pad]) : Rightmost characters
str = SHORTNAME(fileid) : Convert Windows 95/NT long file name to DOS 8.3 name
int = SIGN(number) : Sign of number; returns -1, 0, or 1
num = SOURCELINE() : Number of lines in currently-executing macro
str = SOURCELINE(n) : Text of nth line in currently-executing macro
str = SPACE(string[,[n][,pad]]) : Replace inter-word blanks (default=1,' ')
str = STRIP(string[,[L|T|B][,char]]) : Strip leading/trailing/both chars (B,' ')
str = SUBSTR(string,start[,[length][,pad]]) : Substring characters
str = SUBWORD(string,n[,length]) : Substring words
str = SYMBOL(name) : Returns BAD, VAR, or else LIT
str = TIME([option]) : Current time (default=N)
      C=civil   1:00pm   H=hours  13        L=long    13:00:00.000000
      M=minutes 780      N=normal 13:00:00  S=seconds 46800
str = TRACE() : Query current trace setting
str = TRACE([?]A|C|E|F|I|L|N|O|R) : Change trace setting
      All Command Error Failure Intermediates Labels Negative Off Results
str = TRANSLATE(string[,[tableo][,[tablei][,pad]]]) : Translate characters
num = TRUNC(number[,n]) : Truncate to integer plus n (default=0) decimal places
str = UPPER(string) : Translate lowercase letters to uppercase
val = VALUE(name[,newvalue]) : Value of specified symbol [also assign new value]
pos = VERIFY(string,reference[,[N|M][,start]]) : Find first Nomatch/Match
str = WORD(string,n) : Nth blank-delimited word from string
pos = WORDINDEX(string,n) : Character position of beginning of nth word
int = WORDLENGTH(string,n) : Length of nth word
pos = WORDPOS(phrase,string[,wordstart]) : Word number of phrase in string
int = WORDS(string) : Number of words in string
str = XRANGE([start][,end]) : Generate string of chars from start to end
str = X2B(hex-string) : Convert hexadecimal to binary
str = X2C(hex-string) : Convert hexadecimal to character
str = X2D(hex-string) : Convert hexadecimal to decimal

Boolean Functions:

bit = AFTER() : Cursor positioned after last non-blank char of cursor field?
bit = ALT() : Current file altered since last SAVE?
bit = ALTKEY() : Alt key pressed during last keystroke or mouse action?
bit = BEFORE() : Cursor positioned before first non-blank char of cursor field?
bit = BLANK() : Cursor field completely blank?
bit = BLOCK() : Block marked in the current file?
bit = BOTTOMEDGE() : Cursor in bottommost line of file area?
bit = BUTTON1() : Mouse button 1 is down?
bit = BUTTON2() : Mouse button 2 is down?
bit = CLASSIC() : INTERFACE CLASSIC in effect?
bit = CLIPTEXT() : Any text in Windows clipboard (for possible Paste)?
bit = CMDSEL() : Any text on the command line currently selected?
bit = COMMAND() : Cursor on the command line?
bit = CTRL() : Ctrl key pressed during last keystroke or mouse action?
bit = CUA() : INTERFACE CUA in effect?
bit = CURRENT() : Cursor on current line?
bit = DELSEL() : Selection or command line selection marked?
bit = DIR() : Current file a .DIR file?
bit = END() : Cursor on last non-blank character of cursor field?
bit = EOF() : Cursor on end-of-file line?
bit = FILELINE() : Cursor not on command line?
bit = FIRST() : Cursor positioned in column 1 of cursor field?
bit = FOCUSEOF() : Focus line is end-of-file line?
bit = FOCUSTOF() : Focus line is top-of-file line?
bit = FULLINP() : Input mode with INPUTMODE FULL in effect?
bit = INBLOCK() : Cursor in a marked block?
bit = INITIAL() : Profile for first file in ring is running?
bit = INPREFIX() : Cursor in the prefix area?
bit = INSERTMODE() : Insert mode in effect?
bit = INTRUNC() : Cursor not to right of truncation column?
bit = LEFTEDGE() : Cursor in leftmost column of file area?
bit = LINEINP() : Input mode with INPUTMODE LINE in effect?
bit = MODIFIABLE() : Cursor in area of file that can be modified?
bit = MOUSEPOSMODIFIABLE() : Mouse in typeable place in file area at last click?
bit = MOUSEPOSVALID() : Mouse in cursorable place at last click?
bit = MULTWINDOW() : More than one document window exists?
bit = NOQUEUE() : No keystrokes queued within Windows waiting to be processed?
bit = OEMFONT() : OEM font being used in document windows?
bit = PENDING() : Any pending prefix commands?
bit = PREFIX() : PREFIX ON or PREFIX NULLS in effect?
bit = PREFIXLEFT() : Prefix area displayed on left of window?
bit = PROFILE() : Profile for a file being added to ring is executing?
bit = RIGHTEDGE() : Cursor in rightmost column of file area?
bit = SCROLLLOCK() : ScrollLock in effect?
bit = SHADOW() : Cursor on shadow line?
bit = SHIFT() : Shift key pressed during last keystroke or mouse action?
bit = SHOWPRINTDLG() : Print File toolbar button should show dialog?
bit = SPACECHAR() : Character at cursor position is blank?
bit = TAB() : Cursor on one of the tab columns?
bit = TOF() : Cursor on top-of-file line?
bit = TOPEDGE() : Cursor in topmost line of file area?
bit = UNTITLED() : Current file an UNTITLED file?
bit = VERONE() : Column 1 of current file displayed in column 1 of file area?

KEXX Instructions

ARG [template]
   Same as PARSE UPPER ARG [template]
CALL name [expression [,expression ...]]
   If name in quotes, only built-in or external function called
   Optional result returned in special variable RESULT
CALL ON condition [NAME trapname]
   Call on specified condition; variable SIGL contains line number
   See SIGNAL ON below for conditions
CALL OFF condition
   Cancel CALL ON trap
DO [repetitor] [conditional] ; clauses ; END
   Execute a set of clauses repeatedly
DO expr
   Do so many times
DO var = initexpr [TO expr] [BY expr] [FOR maxtimes]
   Do while value of var is iterated
   Do indefinitely (until terminated by LEAVE EXIT RETURN)
   Do while leading evaluation of expr is true
   Do until trailing evaluation of expr is true
DROP name|(namelist) [name|(namelist) ...]
   Unassign named variables and/or list of vars contained in variable
EXIT [expression]
   Unconditionally leave; optionally return data
IF expr THEN clause [ELSE clause]
   Conditional execution
INTERPRET expression
   Execute expression as though it were a line in macro
ITERATE [name]
   Steps current or named do loop
LEAVE [name]
   Ends current or named do loop
   Dummy instruction ("no operation")
NUMERIC DIGITS [expression]
   Number of significant digits (default=9; must be <= 50)
NUMERIC FUZZ expression
   Digits, at full precision, to ignore during comparisons (default=0)
PARSE [UPPER] origin [template]
   Assign portions of strings to variables
   ARG                Program/subroutine/function parameters
   LINEIN             Read a line from command line
   PULL               Read a line from command line (unlike REXX; no queue)
   SOURCE             Source of macro being executed (e.g. 'Windows COMMAND foo')
   VALUE [expr] WITH  Parse result of expression
   VAR name           Parse named variable
   VERSION            Query KEXX version (e.g. 'KEXX 5.52 6 Jan 1998')
PROCEDURE [EXPOSE name|(namelist) [name|(namelist) ...]]
   Protect (localize) variables in internal function or subroutine
PULL [template]
RETURN [expression]
   Return control; like EXIT if no internal routine active
   Returns result from function; sets RESULT variable from subroutine
SAY [expression]
   Displays a line
SELECT ; WHEN expr THEN clause ; ... ; OTHERWISE clause ; END
   Case-conditional execution; only the first matching case is executed
SIGNAL label
   Pass control to label
SIGNAL ON condition [NAME trapname]
   Trap certain conditions (variable SIGL contains line number)
   ERROR    Command returns positive rc (or negative if FAILURE not enabled)
   FAILURE  Command returns negative return code
   HALT     Attempt to interrupt (Ctrl+Break)
   NOVALUE  Uninitialized variable used
   SYNTAX   Interpretation syntax error
SIGNAL OFF condition
   Cancel SIGNAL ON trap
TRACE [+|-|?] [A|C|E|I|L|N|O|R]
   Control trace output (must SET DEBUGGING ON first)
   + = Turn on interactive tracing
   - = Turn off interactive tracing
   ? = Toggle interactive tracing
   A = All: all clauses and commands traced (displayed) before execution
   C = Commands: all commands traced, non-zero rc's displayed
   E = Error: commands with non-zero rc traced after execution
   F = Failure: commands with negative rc traced after execution
   I = Intermediates: All + intermediate results
   L = Labels: display labels as encountered during execution
   N = Normal=Negative: commands with negative rc traced after execution
   O = Off, or no argument: nothing traced; prefix actions off
   R = Results: All + final (not intermediate) results
TRACE [number]
    n = skip next n interactive debug pauses
   -n = skip next n tracing displays (and interactive pauses)


The KEXX language is pretty much like REXX (see my REXX Summary). Following are just a few notes on differences.

KEXX string functions not in Rexx370:

KEXX functions not in Cowlishaw's book The Rexx Language (1990):


Implied EXTRACTs:



KEDIT is a lot like XEDIT (see my XEDIT Summary). Following are just a few notes on key differences.

KEDIT target enhancements:

XEDIT features not supported by KEDIT:

Focus Line vs. Current Line:

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Copyright © 1998 Rex Swain
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Permission granted to distribute unmodified copies